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Welcome to the 2025 Huntingdon Fair!!!

August 7-8-9-10, 2025

Happening in exactly...

View our 2023 promotional video

Admission Fees

We are currentlycalculatingestimatingrevisingfiguring outguessingsecond guessingticket pricing

Pricing for the fair will be available shortly,
Thank you for your patience

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Digital Tickets

Each visitor, after purchasing a pass online, will receive by email a digital ticket (also printable) containing a unique scan code and more information about their purchase.

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Printable PDF Ticket

PDF format is one of the most commonly used file formats for digital tickets.

You can download it to your computer and print it at home on your home printer.

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Mobile QR Ticket

Don't want to print your tickets? Just show us your ticket code on your smartphone.

QR codes are just like a standard bar code. It's basically a unique code that can be scanned with a digital device (such as a smartphone).

197th Edition

One of Canada's oldest
Agricultural Fairs